Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, June 29, 2009
从另一个角度来看,同性恋的出现是必然的!为什么呢? 现在人类繁殖的速度实在是太快了,在这样的情况下,出先同性恋在某种程度上的确压制了人类繁殖的速度(纯属个人感想)....依早同性恋的影响力来看,其普遍化也只是时间上的问题,只是有宗教的压制,政府法律的禁止才使其影响力缓慢下来....而且世界有许多地方也已经把同性恋合法化了...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
First time try to use english to write blog.Today oe we can say is june 23 is the first time i attend the chinese society meeting since all the comitte member already attend at list two meeting. I am late 15 minute to attend the meeting, this is a chiese bad habit and i hope i can band it from myself. This is a formal meeting i havent attend before because it really folow all the meeting prosedour and also secetary also come out with the agenda.
With follow the agenda , we all discuss a lot of thing about all the incoming event oc and the people who should incharge.Nicholas is so lucky because he became OC for comitte training and also event manager for the Zhong Yuan Jie. I want to say thank and srry to sean and anson because u two give me a chance to became moon cake festival oc and i am so srry because i reject it. the reason i give i know is a very suck reason but i just dont want to make the thing going worst because of me, maybe is me think too much. And in the end i take the oc for prepaid member card because i dont want to let u all disapointed and i promise i will try to do my best in this thing.
Like wht sean hoping all the comitte can try their best to make all the thing best of the best and dont give out in the half way and without affect their own study because a sucessful event is counting on all comitte coporate to make it sucess.
In the end i hope my friend joane, jelly yulei and even take care urself because i know joane already sick and yet still prepaid for the chinse society thing. Joane i cant do anything to help u faster recover because i not a doctor and wht i can do is if i can help u in ur work , let me help u a little bit more althought maybe i cant help anything in all.
Last is for myself, i hope i can complete the mision tht i already be given and i know i sure can do it because i know i still have friend can help me if i got problem.
With follow the agenda , we all discuss a lot of thing about all the incoming event oc and the people who should incharge.Nicholas is so lucky because he became OC for comitte training and also event manager for the Zhong Yuan Jie. I want to say thank and srry to sean and anson because u two give me a chance to became moon cake festival oc and i am so srry because i reject it. the reason i give i know is a very suck reason but i just dont want to make the thing going worst because of me, maybe is me think too much. And in the end i take the oc for prepaid member card because i dont want to let u all disapointed and i promise i will try to do my best in this thing.
Like wht sean hoping all the comitte can try their best to make all the thing best of the best and dont give out in the half way and without affect their own study because a sucessful event is counting on all comitte coporate to make it sucess.
In the end i hope my friend joane, jelly yulei and even take care urself because i know joane already sick and yet still prepaid for the chinse society thing. Joane i cant do anything to help u faster recover because i not a doctor and wht i can do is if i can help u in ur work , let me help u a little bit more althought maybe i cant help anything in all.
Last is for myself, i hope i can complete the mision tht i already be given and i know i sure can do it because i know i still have friend can help me if i got problem.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Very happy and Very Sad
Finaly get my result le.... Not bad Moral get A- and Ob get A-... Quit suprise because first time i get such a goof result, but i know just because moral quit easy to get A and Ob for me is lucky to get A- for it because actually the 50 MCQ were not from the Ob textbook ....many of my friend becuse of this reason only get B+ for Ob. Sebas dont be sad because even u say u dint sad for it i know u wil cuz for so many sem u always get a good result. Nvm this sem we fight together to get a good result .
But i quit sad about my GPA because of my second sem gpa get 2.7 and it make my CGPA drop until 3.0. Now i already try hard for two sem yet the CGPA only grow up until 3.3 now. I dont know went i can push out until 3.5 ??? This sem have to get five subject for it and i dint have any confident to get a good result in this sem because too many subject for me to study. Hope this sem i dont b so lazy and be more hardworking ba cuz i stll have to continue my degree in te future so i can not be take down in my diploma course.
In the end hope God Bless Me...Haha
But i quit sad about my GPA because of my second sem gpa get 2.7 and it make my CGPA drop until 3.0. Now i already try hard for two sem yet the CGPA only grow up until 3.3 now. I dont know went i can push out until 3.5 ??? This sem have to get five subject for it and i dint have any confident to get a good result in this sem because too many subject for me to study. Hope this sem i dont b so lazy and be more hardworking ba cuz i stll have to continue my degree in te future so i can not be take down in my diploma course.
In the end hope God Bless Me...Haha
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
16May S3li gathering
上个星期六,SUKI他们因为放假就做了一个STEAMBOT的聚会.为了着个聚会我跟俊立因为怕睡过头,所以前一晚都没睡,因为他们说要顺便去参加学校的教师节...大概八点多就去载JELLY.我跟俊立都给JELLY的装扮下到.因为我们是回学校,她穿的好象去参加宴会...而我跟俊立站在旁边有点想阿四,因为我门只是普通打扮.一路上我们三个都没什么精神...而且最炸到的是佩嘉叫JELLY十点到,那知她家人突然上SERENBAM吃早餐...结果就是我们这三个从KAJANG来的最先到.到了后JELLY说她一个女子在车上等,因为只有她一个女子,看她将闷我就去辅导处看淑琦有没有来,因为她爸是老师可能回跟来,将JELLT就有伴了.结果被告知淑琦没有来.过后因为有经过静仪的店就顺便去载她,然后一起去PD PASAR 吃早餐.
不久佩嘉也从SERENBAM来到学校,我们一班就回学校见面....SUKI他们一同到了...过后大家就一起在食堂聊天...感觉我们回学校有点废,因为我们都参不进去...之后SUKI他们就说一起上SERENBAM 唱K...第一次跟朋友起起去唱K,因为我都是跟我的SITE A兄弟去唱K,因为我唱的很烂的....途中我们就转去找我们的AH BENG 哥一起去,那知我们都背他那超SHORTCUT 的英文给弄乱了,害我们在外面白等了一趟....AH BENG 下次你还是直接CALL 跟好...
结果我的第一次(不要想歪,是地一次跟朋友唱K)就献给了JELLY和佩嘉.可能老天不爽我有两个美女陪唱K,竟然从开始就唱走音,还是超离谱的那种.大概到四点多AH BENG从他的补习完了后过来JOIN 我们,AH BENG唱K超强的,结果就是我和俊立看AH BENG,JELLY 和佩嘉唱,因为我们唱的话超破坏气氛的...唱了三个小时后,我和俊力都昏昏欲睡,谁叫我们一整晚都没睡,过后我们先回家伟家准备火锅的汤底....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
刚刚去看回MSN HISTORY 我和她以前MSN聊过的话题,突然觉的自己很白痴,都不知道当时我为什么会将白痴....尤其是在考试还找人家,咳....当时她应该也决的我很白痴吧.....还有就是问她领袖训练营的事,根本就是废,干麻问她啊,问学校秘书不是可以知道咯,我看三岁小孩都动我是故意找话题聊,咳....
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